Where is my order?
After placing an order and receiving your order confirmation email, the item(s) will ship within 1-3 business days on average from our offsite storehouse. Once the package has shipped, a tracking number will be generated and emailed to you within 1-2 days. You can refer to this tracking number to find out your estimated delivery date. Many shipments leave our storehouse via UPS Mail Innovations Expedited, so your tracking number may initially link to the UPS website, even if you have ordered shipping via USPS. The tracking information for the package will be available on the USPS website once the USPS has received the package from UPS Mail Innovations, however you may still track each update on the shipment via the UPS link even after it is in the USPS's possession.
Please note, shipping via USPS Media Mail can take up to 3 weeks to arrive to its destination.
If you have received a tracking number, but there have been no tracking updates on either the UPS or USPS websites within 3 weeks, we recommend contacting either your local post office or UPS for further information. Often times this means that the package has been picked up from our warehouse, but has not been scanned into the system from its departing carrier facility. Unfortunately, we do not have any additional information other than the tracking number.
If you have not received any tracking information within 10 days of placing your order, please contact us at thebookstore@nehgs.org or 888-296-3447 and choose option 1, and we would be happy to look into the issue.