Can I get help with my research?

Our expert Research & Library Services Team offers many genealogical services to help you along the way.  Whether you are just starting out or have been researching for years, we can help! 

For quick reference questions, we recommend our "Ask-a-Genealogist" online chat. This chat connects you with an expert from our Team who can assist in less than 5 minutes. If our experts recommend additional services, we will put you in contact with an expert who can discuss other ways that we may help. Our chat is available Tuesday through Saturdays 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. ET.

For a more in-depth one-on-one experience, we recommend our expert consultation service. This session is either for beginner researchers or those who would like more direct assistance and guidance from one of our experts. During our building closure we can assist you virtually (via Zoom) with your family history research.

You may request scanned photocopies from most resources in the American Ancestors Research Center collections. All manuscript and rare book collection copies require advance authorization from our Special Collections Department.

Lastly, our "Expert Assessment" service allows you to hire one of our experts to review your own family research and establish a strategy for proceeding on your journey. This one-day (7 hours) research service consists of an expert analyzing your current research, completing preliminary research about your question/goal, and designing a strategy for continuing with your research. The completed product includes a written report, a customized research strategy, and any documentation we located.For more information, please view our services here. You can also contact us by phone to speak with an expert today, dial 1-888-296-3447 (choose option 1).

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